The consultation and engagement process on the Nedlands site.
Update: December 2023
Masterplanning is currently on hold while the University investigates the viability of establishing student accommodation facilities on the Nedlands site. The University will provide a further update on any planned engagement activities and outcomes in 2024.
Find out more about student accommodation.
Engagement to date
Participants were asked to list three words which described the Nedlands campus. The top responses are shown in the Word Cloud where larger sized fonts represent more frequent responses.
What people valued most
Participants expressed a range of opinions about the site. For instance, the green spaces were seen as a peaceful oasis in an urban environment, but the built form was seen as run-down and of little importance for the majority of the community.
There was an understanding that this site would likely evolve in the future due to the change in density in the area surrounding it. There would also likely be a need for additional services to cater to the increased residential population that will eventually come with that.
Existing mature trees
Sense of peace and tranquillity the site offered
Open green space
Childcare centre was valued by those who used it
What we heard
Key ideas that participants would like to see in future planning, potential uses and key concerns.
Participants’ future planning ideas and considerations
- Green open space, gardens and landscaping
- Retention of mature trees and the urban canopy
- Enhancing the visual amenity and ambience of the suburb, particularly on the residential edges
- Reduce the visual impact of any onsite parking
- Improve connections and integration to the surrounding area north of Stirling Highway, particularly to QEIIMC
- Improve accessibility into and through the site
- Replace the current buildings with higher quality design
- Use the treescape to envelope and hide the built form
- Retention of the secluded hidden feeling
- Sinking of the overhead powerlines surrounding the site
- Stretch the commercial activity / mixed use along Hampden Road
- Include sustainable energy solutions
Thoughts around future uses on the site
Participants were asked to choose from a range of uses as to what should be considered for the site. The preference for these uses included:
Uses connected to nearby QEII were viewed favourably and seen as meaningful.
Non-residential/commercial uses were preferable along Hampden Road and Stirling Highway with lower rise uses compatible with residential along the Gordon and Clifton Street interface.
Greenery and vegetation
More parking
Affordable housing and student housing
Maintenance and retention of the landscape, mature trees and green spaces
Space that brings together community through activation and facilities
Connections and space that make them feel safe
Key concerns
- Mature trees would be removed
- The loss of urban green space that cannot be retrieved
- Change to the ambience of the suburb
- The site would be overdeveloped and out of scale with existing residential
- There would be a poor design outcome
- The built form would be too tall
- Too much residential and not enough mixed uses on the site
- Increased traffic in the area
- Adequate and safe pedestrian access around the site
- Loss of childcare centre
Design concepts
Three Draft Design Concepts were presented throughout the engagement process where feedback will be collated to help inform the future planning of the Nedland site.
Key insights
Balance of height vs open space – what you told us!
- 1 represents a plan where all the buildings are lower in height, taking up most of the space on the ground level.
- 8 represents a plan where all the buildings are taller in height, but with less space on the ground level.